November 04, 2012


Sofema Aviation Services in partnership with Regional Air Services of Bucharest is pleased to present a Part OPS 3 days Regulation on Air Operations Overview and Implementation Course.

Are your Flight Operations and Ground Operations Postholders ready for Part OPS ?

Is your Quality Manager and Quality System prepared for auditing using Part OPS as the standard ?

Are you engaged in Special Operations or Aerial work ?

It is a mandatory requirement that Nominated Postholders and Quality Personnel are fully conversant with the applicable regulatory requirements, including the provisions of Part OPS.

Part OPS is one of the biggest projects undertaken by EASA the goal of the training is to familiarize current AOC holders and other Operational and Concerned Personnel with a detailed understanding of  EASA Part OPS Structure and Environment with emphasis on Compliance Monitoring and AMC & GM procedures.

Bringing together the entire Operations Environment for both Commercial and Non Commercial  aviation grouped under two cover regulations, Operations Cover Regulation and Amendments and Aircrew Cover Regulation.

Delivered as a number of several annexes as follows

For the Operations Environment  – Annex I Definitions

Annex II Part-ARO  (Authority Requirements for Air Operations)

Annex III Part-ORO (Organisation Requirements for Air Operations)

Annex IV Part-CAT (Commercial Air Transport Operations)

Annex V Part-SPA  (Operations Requiring Specific Approvals)

Annex VI Part-NCC (Non-Commercial Operations with Complex Motor-Powered Aircraft)

For the Aircrew environment

Annex I Part-FCL- – Flight Crew Licensing

Annex II Conditions for the conversion of existing national licenses and ratings for aeroplanes and helicopters

Annex III Conditions for the acceptance of licences issued by or on behalf of third countries.

Annex IV Part-MED

Annex V Part Cabin Crew

Annex VI Part-ARA Authority requirements for aircrew

Annex VII Part-ORA Organisation requirements for aircrew

Annex VII Part-NCO – Non-Commercial Operations with Other-Than-Complex Motor-Powered Aircraft

Annex VIII Part-SPO– Specialized Operations

The training is being delivered over 3 days and will focus on the issues and challenges which face Operators to comply with the provisions of the regulations.

Sofema Aviation Services promotes international best practice. We are committed to our valued clients to help them to produce, innovative tailored solutions, regardless of the size or complexity of their organisation.

We will be pleased to welcome you to the training, and look forward to the opportunity to share our understanding of the functioning environment of Part OPS

For details regarding the next regarding the dates of the forthcoming trainings and the opportunity to receive in-company training please email or visit

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