May 26, 2011


Numerous Fuel Tank events over more than 40 years have led to in excess of 500 fatalities.
The biggest by far being the tragic loss of Flight TWA 800.
Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) provide fuel tank safety training either at our training facility in Sofia Bulgaria or at your own facilities. See for details of available training courses both in company and open.
After the TWA Flt 800 incident accident investigation the FAA issued Special Federal Aviation
Rulemaking (SFAR) 88, set up committees to investigate – ATRSAC – and issued a number of advisory circulars. Both the FAA and EASA have mandated mandatory Fuel Tanks Safety Training. Within the EU the JAA issued JAA INT/POL 25/12 and JAA TGL 47
Requirement. (Still a valid document within the EASA environment).
Fuel Tank Safety Training is a requirement of EASA Part 66, EASA Part-M and Part-145 regulations, which requires that personnel involved in Continued Airworthiness Management and Maintenance of Aircraft Fuel Systems, are given suitable training appropriate to the job junction either as a -phase 1- “once” only training or as a 1 day -phase 2 – 24 month recurrent training.
IAW EASA Decision 2007/001/R/2007/002/R amended by ED Decision 2009/007/R
24/03/2009. requires Fuel Tank Safety Training to understand the requirement for In Service Management of Fuel System Safety
Amongst the requirements identified organisations will be required to demonstrate:
Continued Airworthiness Management including maintenance program’s, modifications and
Service Bulletin assessments. The Quality Assurance Program will have to include appropriate audit criteria to ensure compliance.
In addition the organisation will be required to develop effective Maintenance Procedures, Critical Design Configuration Control Limitations (CDCCL) management procedures.
Also to ensure training is provided in Inspection and Repair standards.
Amongst the areas covered during Fuel Tank safety training are Maintenance Planning Documents. MOE and CAME procedural requirements.
SAS  Fuel Tank Safety Training includes an understanding of the following
In-service maintenance of Fuel Tank Ignition Source, Suppression and Flammability Reduction features. Nitrogen Inerting Systems and safety precautions.
Understanding the Training Requirements:
Part-145 Fuel Tank Safety Training applies to Aircraft, Engine and Component Maintenance.
Phase 1 Managers, QA personnel, Stores Personnel, staff not directly involved in Maintenance. Phase 2 Part-145 personnel directly involved in maintenance, maintenance planning and staff involved in developing procedures. Also to be considered is the fact that training to be carried out before any maintenance task is commenced on aircraft or components by the maintenance staff.
Part-M Fuel Tank Safety Training applies to Subpart G approval holders and operators with aircraft with 30 seats or more and/or a payload above 3402 kg. For CAMO and other staff as detailed below.
Phase 1 Quality Inspectors, ARC signatories, Maintenance Programme
specialist managers. Phase 2 Airworthiness Management Staff, Continued Airworthiness Manager, Part M – Subpart G Maintenance staff.
Phase 1 Fuel Tank Safety Training should have been completed in the first quarter of 2009 but in all cases Fuel Tank Safety Training should be completed before the end of 2010.
For further information please visit or email

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