February 01, 2011


Fuel Tank Safety Training is mandated on both sides of the Atlantic by the FAA and Transport Canada in North America, and within Europe by EASA. European Aviation Safety Agency.
The need for Fuel Tank Safety Training came about in the aftermath of the tragic loss of TWA 800 in 1996, and what was possibly the biggest post crash investigation ever carried out. During the investigations there was a further incident in which a B737 exploded on the ground in Bangkok. Again Causal factors gave rise to the understanding of the need for specific and dedicated Fuel Tank Safety Training.
During the protracted investigations a number of Design shortfalls in the construction of the aircraft came to light particular in respect of the location of the air conditioning pack below the center fuel tank, (probably the single biggest single factor which led to introduction of Fuel Tank Safety Training). EASA have mandated the undertaking of this training by both the Part 145, and the Part M management organization as well as being included in the syllabus of the part 66 ;licensed aircraft engineer.
Sofema Aviation Services are carrying out continuous in company Fuel tank safety trainings throughout 2010 as well as several open trainings. SAS trains to the highest regulatory training standards and is accredited by several agencies. The trainings are offered with a multi choice examination to comply with the regulator requirements.
Within the European environment Fuel Tank Safety Training consists of Phase 1 which is a non recurrent requirement for managers and senior personnel to become familiar with the requirements, and Phase 2 Fuel Tank Safety Training which is required to be completed by the end of 2010 and is a recurrent training applicable to persons working directly in the maintenance environment again including Part 145, and the Part M management organization as well as being included in the syllabus of the part 66 ;licensed aircraft engineer.
Fuel Tank Safety Training specifically looks at relevant issues such as ALI Airworthiness Limitation Items and CDCCL Critical Design Configuration Control Limitations and ways in which these elements need to be managed.
A survey carried out by the UK CAA found that over a number of years nearly 20% of maintenance related fuel tank reportable incidents were caused by maintenance error. Because of this it is not intended that Fuel Tank safety Training should lead to increased activity within the tanks, however that it should identify ways of working which promote safe and effective management of the Fuel tank environment.
If you would like to find out more about the availability of Fuel Tank Safety Training in your own organization please email office@sassofia.com or visit us on line at http://www.sassofia.com/

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