February 10, 2011


Ramp Safety Train the Trainer is a course specifically designed to benefit the Quality of Ramp Safety training delivered within your organisation. You are of course aware your Ramp Safety Trainers are your link to ensuring your employers are able to perform their duties in the most effective and competent way.

Sofema Aviation Services Ramp Safety Train the Trainer course is designed to develop not just their skills of your trainers, but to encourage the development of your organisational training material to ensure it is directly relevant to your organisation.

Apart from the possibility of accidental personal injury, annually hundreds of millions of dollars of damage are inflicted on aircraft whilst on the ground.

Accidents and damage on the ground are not specific to one particular airport or country of course and are likely to occur any where in the world.

Investigations into the causal factors of such incidents usually identify either a shortfall in service delivery or compliance with effective procedures. Often this is compounded by a lack of knowledge or competence.

Understanding the root cause of Ramp Safety related incidents and accidents is fundamental to developing an effective training solution.

From the operators perspective one of the challenges in calling for the delivering of Ramp Safety Training is that it is not directly mandated by the Regulatory Authorities. This means there is no specific regulatory obligation placed on a Ground  Service Company to directly manage the training of its staff. Indirectly however the responsibility does fall to the Operators to ensure that the ground handling service providers, comply, on behalf of the Operator with all regulatory requirements.

The usual practice is for the Operators audit program to include oversight of the effectiveness of the management and training system of the subcontract service provider. However the operator oversight and audit process does not always identify weakness in the training systems of the ramp service company.

Ramp Safety Training has a unique set of challenges which need to be addressed including competencies, staff numbers and staff turnover. The Ramp Safety Train the Trainer process which is delivered by Sofema Aviation Services offers specific benefits because it is a process which is owned by your organisation and which stands up to both oversight and scrutiny.

Ramp Safety Train the Trainer is a process to identify how you can develop your training program within the work place to deliver the maximum benefit both from an organisational and personal safety point of view.  

Sofema Aviation Services provides Training for Ramp Safety Trainers and support to help the organisation to develop effective Ramp Safety Training  processes.

For additional information please visit  www.sassofia.com

Or email office@sassofia.com

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