February 01, 2011


The Accountable Manager is a serious and demanding role and it is important that there is a strong and effective team of competent and knowledgeable post holders to back up quality assurance and safety management to ensure that quality and safety are, or become, fundamental attributes within the organisation. Safety is playing an increasingly important role and Safety Management Systems (SMS) are particularly important in an effective organisation. This is particularly relevant with the need to demonstrate compliance with ICAO annex 6 Safety Management System requirements which have become effective since January 2009.

For the delivery of an effective Quality and Safety Management System, the more information regarding the organisational compliance status that is available, the more focused will be the decision making of those involved. However, compliance management becomes difficult to manage without the availability of an electronic oversight system as a huge amount of documentation needs to be managed. This includes Policies Procedures and Manuals, both internal and external; showing the status of conformity on a continuous basis; planning, scheduling and recording the performance of audits; developing an approved database of accepted suppliers, allowing for a range of audit options from postal audit to continuing oversight; and the engraftation of corrective actions (discrepancies) with an automatic follow up process for outstanding discrepancies.

For further information please visit www.sassofia.com or email office@sassofia.com

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