EASA Quality System – Delivering an Effective Audit

This paper deals with the an audit performed not of an organization, but the quality system which is supporting the audited organization. The effectiveness of the organisations quality system is a direct  measure of the effectiveness of the organization. Presented by Steven Bentley Managing Director of Sofema Aviation Services www.sassofia.com The ultimate objective is to determine that…

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Delivering Training for Human Factors Trainers

At Sofema Aviation Services, we have a clear understanding that the better we serve our customers, the more respected we become, the more effective becomes our business. SAS has developed and delivers a dedicated training specifically for Human Factor Trainers . Are you a EASA Part 145 organization ? Do you have your own organizational…

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Reducing the cost of EASA Regulatory Training

Sofema Aviation Services announces innovative training initiatives – SAS Privileged Training Partner Program Sofema Aviation Service is always looking for ways to work with our customers to provide effective value-for-money regulatory training At Sofema Aviation Services we are focused on delivering training which are enriching, educational, and enlightening. We aim to achieve and maintain the…

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