Why its not a good idea for EASA Aviation Quality Managers to “Own” organisational procedures

An Opinion expressed by Steven Bentley Managing Director of Sofema Aviation Services www.sassofia.com considers the role of the Quality Assurance Department in respect to the generation of  the varius procedures required to comply with EASa regulations. An EASA approved operator or MRO must employ at least 1 Quality Manager (although EASA are currently in the…

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Sofema Aviation Services supports International Federation of Airworthiness

Steven Bentley Managing Director of Sofema Aviation Services is pleased to be accepted as a member of  IFA  http://ifairworthy.com/   "The International Federation of Airworthiness (IFA) is a Non Governmental Organisation (NGO) dedicated to improving aviation safety by increasing international communication, awareness and cooperation on all airworthiness issues and particularly that of continuing airworthiness."   …

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Sofema Aviation Services awarded contract to provide Regulatory training to the Bulgarian Civil Aviation Authority

Sofema Aviation Services is pleased to be providing recurrent  EASA Part 145, EASA Part M and Quality Audit Training to the Bulgarian Civil Aviation Authority.   Commencing Tues 16th October the Program is designed as 1 day recurrent training's  to review core regulations and to consider the latest developments in the EASA regulations.    Commented Steven Bentley…

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The 4 phases of ICAO SMS Implementation

Sofema Aviation Services considers the four phases of ICAO SMS Framework Implementation within an Aviation Organization. ICAO four pillars of SMS ICAO SMS Implementation initial phase The initial phase without surprise is the most important, to design the SMS framework which is going to suit your organization. A key element of this stage is to…

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