Fuel Tank Safety Training

Fuel Tank Safety Training is mandated on both sides of the Atlantic by the FAA and Transport Canada in North America, and within Europe by EASA. European Aviation Safety Agency. The need for Fuel Tank Safety Training came about in the aftermath of the tragic loss of TWA 800 in 1996, and what was possibly…

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The need of Fuel Tank Safety Training

Numerous Fuel Tank events over more than 40 years have led to in excess of 500 fatalities. The biggest by far being the tragic loss of Flight TWA 800. Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) provide fuel tank safety training either at our training facility in Sofia Bulgaria or at your own facilities. See http://www.sassofia.com/ for details…

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Effective Quality Systems

During many years of quality auditing in airline and MRO environments, it has become apparent that a well managed effective Quality System will not just save the organisation money, it may one day save the organisation. Steven Bentley, Manager at Sofema Aviation Services in Sofia, Bulgaria, explains how. The Quality System means Quality Control (QC)…

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