EASA Maintenance Check Flight Generic Preflight Activities

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) www.sassofia.com considers best practice activities in preparation for Maintenance Check Flights Introduction In order to understand the work completed on the aircraft, a thorough briefing with the maintenance personnel/facility that has completed the work is of extreme importance. The type of flight and depth of testing should then be agreed upon with all…

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Review Concerning the use of EASA Form 1 and UK CAA Form 1 – Including Block 12

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) www.sassofia.com considers issues related to EASA / UK Form 1 Certification Introduction The European Union Trade and Cooperation Agreement (EU-UK) states; “The importing Party shall recognize the production certification and production oversight system of the exporting Party since the system is considered sufficiently equivalent to the system of the importing Party” (source: Article…

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Be able to coordinate & supervise the SMS Management of Change processes within your organisation with our new training

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) www.sassofia.com is pleased to share that a new course has been added to our training portfolio: EASA Compliant Safety Management System – Management of Change Available as a Classroom or Webinar training – Register at team@sassofia.com What is the training about? This course aims to provide the delegates with an understanding of  Safety Risks…

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Aviation Weekly News Roundup – 17 March 2023

Sofema Aviation Services shares the latest events in the Aviation business from around the world in our Aviation Weekly News Roundup: > US airplane near misses keeps coming. Now officials are talking about averting ‘catastrophic’ incidents The skies have been turbulent over the United States in 2023 – and not just because of rogue balloons….

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