Considering the Challenges to Introduce an SMS within an EASA Part CAMO Compliant Organisation

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) takes a deep dive into understanding the typical questions which we are asked by clients related to the introduction of SMS within an EASA Part CAMO-compliant organisation: Provide examples of aviation safety hazards entailed by the activities of an organisation, how to evaluate them and the management of associated risks. Provide…

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Which Training Programs are Essential for an EASA Part CAMO (Continuing Airworthiness Manager – CAM)?

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) reviews the training programs required for an EASA Part CAMO Continuing Airworthiness Manager – CAM Introduction The Job of the Continuing Airworthiness Manager is to ensure that all Aircraft Technical Records are maintained correctly and that the aircraft is current with all maintenance requirements and is fit to fly. The Continuing…

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EASA CAMO / AMO Technical Library & Documentation Requirements

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS)Β reviews the Part M & Part 145 regulatory requirements related to the functioning of the Aircraft Technical Library. Introduction – Applicable Maintenance Data Applicable Maintenance data is: Any applicable requirement, procedure, standard, or information issued by the competent authority or the Agency, Any applicable airworthiness directive, Applicable instructions for continuing airworthiness, issued…

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