May 26, 2011


Since 2008 It is a EASA requirement for all aircraft operating on any EASA national registry to have a a compliant Airworthiness Review Certificate. (ARC)
European Aviation companies operating in EASA regulated countries are being caught unaware of a number of Pre existing aircraft and documentation issues associated with the requirement to satisfy the conditions associated with the issue of the Airworthiness Review Certificate.
Sofema Aviation Services can support you throughout the process of Importing Used Aircraft Into Europe. From specific consultancy support to provision of our specialized 1 day workshop covering all the regulatory requirements associated with the import process.
Whenever you are Importing Used Aircraft Into Europe or more specifically into a European Member State, that aircraft must have an ARC issued by the Regulator of the state of registry.
To satisfy the requirements of Importing Used Aircraft Into Europe the ARC for example requires amongst other things conformity and approval of all repairs, Modifications and Service Bulletins, (Special Tasks).
To ensure compliance each of these associated “special” tasks must be supported by appropriate release and or Part 21 Certification.
In addition all Form 1’s for life limited components must be available and presented in an acceptable way (not for example to be hidden in archives and work packages).
Sofema Aviation Services Provide a 1 Day workshop specifically to deal with the issues of Importing used Aircraft in Europe, the workshop looks at in detail All significant areas.
The Importing Used Aircraft Into Europe workshop includes the following subject.
Challenges with achieving fully compliant Airworthiness Review Certificates,
Effective Management of Continuing Airworthiness. Understanding the previous process for Continuing Airworthiness and performing Gap analysis understanding all appropriate measures which need to be taken.
AD compliance must be fully demonstrated including physical accomplishment work cards available, Including where required the managing and effectiveness of recurrent requirements.
Modification and repair status needs to be available with all Modification and repairs being fully documented and traceable to design
Organization Approval DOA or Part 21 Type Certificate holder TCH.
Note Grandfather rights are only applicable within the EU implications will be fully explained and understood during SAS Importing Used Aircraft Into Europe workshop.
Fully compliant Maintenance approval suitable approved by the authority of the proposed state of registry not that issues may occur in the event that there are difference in the existing and proposed or operator Maintenance Program
This subject is explored further during Importing Used Aircraft Into Europe workshop provided by Sofema Aviation Services (SAS).
If you require any additional or further information please contact