May 26, 2011


Aircraft Incidents fortunately are few and far between, the latest IATA statistics show that there are less than 0.1 fatalities per 1 million departures.

The effect however when an incident occurs are serious, possibly very dramatic and need to be dealt with quickly, efficiently and pro-actively. Managing Aircraft incidents and monitoring status through is an effective way to allow an organization to manage the event both internally in respect of communications within the organizations own staff and externally in respect of subcontractors. In addition it allows the airline to communicate with the media and general public in a managed and controlled way.

In addition Managing Aircraft incidents and monitoring status through allows the general public to communicate directly with the organization. The first few hours following an incident are crucial and is an integrated web application which efficiently and effectively brings together all the elements associated with the management of an event.
Managing Aircraft incidents and monitoring status through allows user airlines to have a useable Emergency Response Plan ERP support solution available at their disposal for a small monthly outlay without the burden of developing and maintaining an entire application.
To comply with the requirements of ICAO Annex 6 airlines are required to have an effective ERP provides this in an easily managed application which places the administrative role in the control of the user airline.
For a small to medium size airline it is a challenge to deliver an effective ERP due to the challenge of making resources available and prioritization of outstanding works. provides an acceptable solution to this requirement. is a web based program designed to assist small to medium airlines to provide effective management during an Incident or Emergency event. supports Emergency Response Planning ERP in 3 specific areas.
To enable the switching on of the web based application so that the airline has visibility within the application. Up to this point visibility is suppressed.
To permit company nominated persons to easily and directly enter communications into the public domain.
Through the web contact form, interested parties are able to communicate with the airline. The contact form which is configuration managed by the Airline nominated administrator is linked to predefined email address. This enables nominated staff to expedite the response to customer emails. In doing so the interested parties are also advised by email that their message has been delivered.
Managing Aircraft Incidents and Monitoring Status will enable/allow specific communications between authorized persons from each department, in support of the incident to communicate internally and privately (using an internal and secure communication process). This will allow the sharing of the current status of the event and to identify any activities which need to be performed.
This communication process also allows all users to quickly identify the allocation of responsibility for tasks that remain outstanding.
If you would like to find out more please visit or email