May 26, 2011


Any opportunity to improve the effectiveness of a training process within your organisation is beneficial, where safety is involved the improvement can possibly lead to the prevention of loss of life !

Training of Human Factor trainers within your organisation through the Human Factor Train the Trainer Program can provide direct and specific benefits in delivering effective target and specific human factor training which rather than simply generic will be directly relevant to your workplace.

Why do we have human factors training ?In 2011- 2012 from current trends it can be estimated that some 80 % of Aircraft incidents and accidents will probably be caused by Human Error !. Human Factors Training is designed to raise awareness, Human Factors Trainer the Trainer, Offers a development in the understanding of optimization of this training process.

Human Factors Training is a relatively new for maintenance engineers but has been around longer for flight deck and cabin crew where it is known by a different name CRM crew resource management, essentially however the differences between Human Factors Training and Crew Resource Management training are completely academic, it all boils down to the understanding of why we humans make mistakes.

Human Factors Training for maintenance engineers was relatively unheard of at the beginning of the 1990’s and was given prominence in assisting with understanding many of the issues leading up to the loss of a flight deck window in a British airways BAC 1-11 flight from Birmingham airport UK. An incident that occurred some 20 years ago but  an incident in which the causal factors still remain active today in some organizations.

Today Human Factors Training has only been mandatory since 2006 and for some areas of the business for example operators Part M organizations it is still not formally identified as a requirement. Within Part 145 Organizations’ Human Factors Training is more clearly identified as a requirement.  Human Factors Training for employees has now become  a mandatory obligation which is a function of the organizations approval.  Today  EASA requires that each employee who is part of the production process should be given Human Factors Training initially and thereafter every 2 years on a recurrent basis.

Many organizations choose to outsource this training but without doubt the best Human Factors training is provided, from  within the organisation and is related to the specific organizations needs and functions.

Understanding effective Human Factors Training begins with understanding the fundamental issues which cause humans to make mistakes sometimes  with devastating consequences, and to mitigate by developing procedures and processes ways which can prevent these mistakes

Human Factors Train the trainer is a process to identify how this can be delivered within the work place to deliver the maximum benefit

Sofema Aviation Services provides Training for Human Factor Trainers and support to help your organisation develop the Human Factors Training  process internally within your organisation.

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