July 25, 2014


Sofema Aviation Services www.sassofia.com announces the re-launch of our FREE aviation jobs portal www.YourAviationJob.com.  The website enters its 4th year and is steadily building a strong user base of advertisers and job seekers. The web site is designed to be user friendly and brings together literally hundreds of aviation vacancies in one place by aviation people for aviation people pursuing careers in the aviation sector!

The whole ethos of the website is to always provide free basic advertising services both to individuals who are looking for employment and companies who are offering jobs.

What do you like about YAJ?

What we like about the site is that the transaction takes place directly between the advertiser and the applicant this makes the process extremely convenient for the advertisers who are able to see the applicants for each position they offer.

If you are looking to fill a vacancy and want to advertise for free or you would like to apply for an aviation job please see www.YourAviationJob.com today.