July 02, 2013


The Quality System &  SMS upper boundary is  set by the Organization  not the CAA or ICAO. An effective SMS is a most efficient management tool for optimizing performance and managing costs. Taken together with the ability to deliver performance audits can bring significant benefits to an organization.

To ensure the organization remains effective. both the Aviation Quality and Safety System should be at the heart of the operation, fully functioning and connected to every department and element of the organization.

Do you know the difference between Quality and Safety Auditing?

If we wish to drive savings and improve performance, we need to develop an understanding of the issues and exposures which hold back the organization.

Do you know the difference between Quality Compliance Auditing and Quality Performance Auditing?

We should agree that Organizations which can deliver an effective quality and safety audit system and a process to follow up with all issues in an effective and practical way, grow and flourish.

Understanding the difference between Quality Compliance Auditing, Quality Performance Auditing and Safety Auditing is a significant part of the success of this process.

What is the difference between Aviation Quality & Safety ?

Often during Quality & Safety conversations it is apparent there is confusion between the specific functions of the two different undertakings, namely the quality assurance management system and that of the safety assurance management system.

So consider that – Basic Quality is essentially looking at compliance, and Safety is looking at Risk.

Compliance concerns itself predominately with the need to ensure all regulatory requirements are met, however in addition to also ensure the organization is in fact doing what it says it will do, means following its own procedures.

Safety Auditing is looking at the various risks faced by the organization or to put it another way the exposure of the organization in a number of key areas.

Safety Auditing involves an understanding of the Audited Parties exposure to Risk.

When we examine the areas to which we can employ our Safety Auditing Techniques we find that we have 4 key areas.


a) People Related

b) Documentation and Process Related

c) Facilities Tooling and Equipment Related

d) Task Related

Considering Performance Audits

What do we mean by delivering performance audits in Aviation  ?

In a performance audit the rules are challenged, whilst the underlying principles driving those rules are accepted and not challenged (means for example the need to maintain both safety and compliance with regulatory obligations.)

This type of auditing of course goes beyond compliance, and its goals are in fact quite different. Performance auditing requires a deep understanding of the controls that are desired.


Considering Hazards

Hazard identification is a prerequisite to the safety risk management process. Any incorrect differentiation between hazards and safety risks can be a source of confusion.
A clear understanding of hazards and their related consequences is essential to the implementation of sound safety risk  management.

For the purpose of aviation safety risk management, hazard should be focused on those conditions that could cause or contribute to unsafe operation of aircraft or aviation safety related equipment, product and services.

Sofema Aviation Services offers training which unravels all the above relationships and considers how we can deliver effective performance audits and what it can mean for the organization.

The training and training methodology is focused 100% on real and practical solutions within the work place it is not entrenched in theory

Your instructor has 40 years practical experience in the commercial aviation environment.

Please visit www.sassofia.com for more details or email office@sassofia.com


aviation environment, Aviation Quality & Safety System, Aviation Safety, Considering Hazards, Hazard Assessment, Performance Auditing, Quality Compliance Auditing, Quality Performance Auditing and Safety Auditing, The Quality System & SMS