admin's posts

Sofema Aviation Services awarded Safety Management System – SMS training contract

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January 03, 2012


Sofema Aviation Services the Sofia Based Aviation Consultancy and Regulatory Training Organisation has been awarded a contract to provide Safety Management System Training SMS training to Air Bagan a leading Far East Airline based in Myanmar.   Air Bagan has selected the following Training courses to complement their SMS implementation initiative. In total SAS will…

Safety Management System Organisation Training and Implementation Workshops offered throughout 2012

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December 19, 2011


European Aviation is moving towards compliance with ICAO Annex 6 in relation with compliance of the safety management system provisions.   Sofema Aviation Services  – SAS are pleased to offer the following specialized trainings to support your ongoing training and SMS implementation requirements.   1 Day SMS Training for Accountable Managers and Post Holders 1 Day SMS…

EASA Management of EWIS and Competency

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December 15, 2011


EASA Special update  Annex to Decision 2011/011/R EASA have released the following document with specific guidelines concerning requirements in the area of competency and EWIS training. Specific guidance is now available in the understanding of the 145 organisations responsibilities in this area.

Safety Management Systems in Aviation Maintenance SMS for Maintenance

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December 09, 2011


Sofema Aviation Services SAS has introduced a 1 day training for maintenance personal covering Safety Management Systems in Aviation Maintenance SMS for Maintenance. Amongst the subjects covered are  – The Evolution of Safety Thinking , Components of an SMS System, SMS Structure and how to gather data for your company SMS.