admin's posts

Where to gather data in a Proactive Safety Management System

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November 14, 2011


How many different ways do you employ within your organisation to gather data to feed into your SMS system, this article explores the numerous ways you can obtain useful data. In fact 30 different ways are identified which you can incorporate or adapt to improve your SMS system.   An effective ICAO compliant Safety Management…

Sofema Aviation Services Present at the Cabin Safety Conference 1st to 3rd of November Frankfurt

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November 04, 2011


Steven Bentley MD of Sofema Aviation Services was please to have the opportunity to present a paper on  Cabin Product & Services – Ownership & Delivery – Quality Control & Quality Assurance – Roles & Responsibilities.   The conference was attended by by delegates from more than 30 countries and thanks go to the organizer's for making the conference possible.   For…

Understanding Operator and Maintainer EWIS Requirement

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October 14, 2011


It is the Operators and Maintenance Organisation Responsibility to comply with the requirements of  Electrical Wiring Interconnect Systems working practices and procedures including specifically EWIS training. For details concerning the requirements of EWIS training please see AMC 20-22.  Sofema Aviation Services offer a 3 Day in company Training to allow you to manage and deliver your own EWIS…

Introducing SAFA Training for Operators

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September 30, 2011


Sofema Aviation Services now offers Operator training for SAFA – Safety Assessment of Foreign Aircraft  – SAFA Training for Operators SAS is pleased to add to its growing portfolio of trainings a course to increase the operator understanding of the SAFA process. SAFA inspections of aircraft during transit and layovers in European Airports can often…