admin's posts

Responsibility For An Aviation Quality System

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May 26, 2011


Many organisations develop what could be considered as a bolt on quality system, rather than integrated solution and are driven primarily by the need to satisfy the regulator that a compliant quality system is implemented. This means they miss the opportunity to benefit from the savings which arise from a truly effective Quality System. Even…

Aviation Maintenence

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May 26, 2011


Maintaining the high standards of Aviation Safety, is a shared responsibility between manufacturers, operators, regulators and MRO (Maintenance Repair Organisations) or Aviation Maintenance organisations. Aviation maintenance is one of the most heavily regulated environments regardless of whether it resides in Europe, America or the Far East. Justifiable so, Over the years Aircraft have continued to…

MRO Consultancy

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May 26, 2011


Due to cost advantages and economy of scale Maintenance Repair Organisations MRO’s continue to develop and provide a complete service in support of the effective management of Aviation Maintenance. Most of today’s Eastern and Central Europe MROs were formed during the 1990’s as descendants from airlines technical departments. Many opportunities can be found where MROs…

Aviation MRO

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May 26, 2011


In recent years the term Aviation MRO (Maintenance Repair Organisation) is used to describe the facility where aircraft maintenance is carried out. Maintaining the high standards of Aviation Safety, is a shared responsibility between manufacturers, operators, regulators and Aviation MRO. Aviation MRO’s , may hold approval from several different countries or authorities and before performing…