sofema's posts

Developing Organisational SMS Tools for Analysis

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November 11, 2013


Flight Crew standard operating procedures (SOPā€™s) are only as effective as the willingness of the flight Crews to follow. Operators and maintainers should continually strive to identify whether defences contain recognized safety hazards and to use these indicators as an early warning safety system. A ā€œtoolā€ is a device or implement, used to carry out…

To consider how we manage a Hazard Identification Process

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November 11, 2013


The Hazard identification process must deliver to the Safety office all perceived risks, this will allow the Hazards to be analysed and for an assessment to be made which ā€œmeasuresā€ the amount of exposure which the organization is facing, sometimes known as ERC (event risk classification). Once analysed, suitable mitigations may be developed, which will…

What Is Electrostatic Sensitive Discharge and What does it mean for Aviation?

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What Is Electrostatic Sensitive Discharge and What does it mean for Aviation

October 14, 2013


To many people, static electricity is little more than the shock experienced when touching a metal doorknob after walking across a carpeted room or sliding across a car seat. The same spark that you sometimes feel and see when you touch something like a doorknob after walking across a carpet can zap a component in…

The Role of EASA Part 66 A license

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The Role of EASA Part 66 A license

October 03, 2013


Presented by Steven Bentley MD of Sofema Aviation ServicesĀ The ā€œAā€ license has been with us now for many years, although some companies, indeed some countries do not really use it to its fullest possibilities or choose not to use it. In fact the A license does not appear as a type (it is universal…