sofema's posts

Introduction to Aircraft Reliability Systems

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January 03, 2012


Sofema Aviation Services SAS offers a 1 day training Introduction to Aircraft Reliability Systems. EASA requires an operator of large aircraft to have in place a reliability program.  For aircraft where the Maintenance program is based on Maintenance Steering Group Logic (MSG) or on condition monitoring then this is a mandatory requirement, that the aircraft…

Training for Aviation Safety Management System Trainers

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January 03, 2012


With the growing need for in company Safety Management System Trainers Sofema Aviation Services has introduced a new training in the train the trainer series specifically focused on the needs of the SMS Trainer. A Proactive SMS system has been mandated by ICAO since Jan 2009. The Development of Safety Management Systems SMS continues to…

Using SMS Safety Management System Data to support Aviation HF training

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January 03, 2012


Since 2009 ICAO has mandated the Implementation of a fully Compliant Safety Management System. Development of such a system will support your organization to develop processes to  analyze and mitigate risks. The outcome is a safer and potentially more efficient process. An essential element in this process is the internal communication and on going training….

Sofema Aviation Services delivers Training for Aviation Human Factor Trainers

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January 03, 2012


We all accept the following statement “The Aviation Maintenance system is not safe until all the system’s components are safe”. In fact delivering a safe process throughout the maintenance organization is the ongoing challenge which is faced on a daily basis. Understanding the primary causes of Human error and how they interact with each other…