sofema's posts

What is the difference between effective and “Tick Box” Human Factors training ?

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January 03, 2012


In a word relevance ! Human Factors training which is organisation specific is times better than HF training which is generic. Do you have your own HF training or do you out sources in the believe that you are providing the best solution. Sofema Aviaiton Services offers solutions to support development of  in company trainings…

The Risk Management Process in a Safety Management System

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December 22, 2011


Sofema Aviaiton Services SAS are pleased to offer a 1 day training Aviation SMS Risk Assessment Workshop for additional details regarding course content please visit It is a common pitfall that safety management activities may not progress beyond hazard identification and analysis. Or, jump from hazard identification direct to mitigation employment, bypassing the evaluation…

Generic Procedures for Managing and Auditing Aviation Software

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December 21, 2011


Sofema Aviation Services is pleased to offer the following procedures are as a guideline only, To use as a basis on which to focus the need for the development of associated process and procedures for Managing and Auditing Aviation Software. Auditing Aviation Software consists of a means of monitoring the software development and other processes which…

Introduction to Safety Management Systems and what it means for “US” as employees and managers of an Airline or Maintenance Organisation

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December 19, 2011


Historically organisations have relied on a single person to manage safety although the phrase is perhaps misleading, in reality organisations had a person who is essentially responsible for following up in the event of a report being issued. What we are now being presented with is a new way of doing business.