May 28, 2013


The following questions and answers are expressed as the opinion of Steve Bentley Managing Director of Sofema Aviation Services

Your opinion comments and thoughts are welcome in regard to the advised interpretations

–   What is an evaluation and what is the outcome?

The evaluation results in an outcome which is driven of course by the criteria applied to the evaluation

–  How do you rate an evaluation based on Table from GM2?
It is organization specific and depends on the role and responsibilities of the individual of course if you are working on the line the competencies will have a different focus and relevance than if you are working on base maintenance or in the workshop environment

–   Who are the subjects of the evaluation ? With witch occasion? How often?

Every person in the production process – mechanics certifying staff  Quality staff Stores staff & management – at least 1 per year

–   How do I document an evaluation?

Company specific from simple A4 form to more complicated document

–  I may do evaluations for Inspectors but who is doing evaluation for other categories, including managers?

Develop an internal approved assessor process where the assessors are trained and approved by the quality manager

–  What is the difference  between Type Rating and Type Training?

After type  training you are able with practical experience to obtain a type rating for example B737 BI

– When understanding Aircraft Maintenance Competence Considerations –  What is the difference  between Practical Training and On the Job Training?

Practical training may not actually contribute to production, for example you will do a repair on a test piece of structure this is for training purposes only

On the job training may contribute to the work process (or not depending on the actual tasks )

–    What is the difference  between Practical Experience and On the Job Training?

Many similarities in these two areas

Practical experience happens over time I may watch you change a wheel this is practical experience

On the job training I change the wheel while you are watching me and signing for my work (On the job training of course is also practical experience)

– To comply with Aircraft Maintenance Competence Considerations who gives On the Job Training and on which purpose?

The organization develops a process which delivers appropriate OJT possibly using nominated Trainers and Assessors

–  How often does a technician undergoes On the Job Training in his career and why?

He should receive training when he experiences changes in his working environment

New equipment

New procedures

Change of working environment  line to base for example

What is the relationship between Part 147 and Part 145 organizations from Part 66 point of view particularly in respect of Aircraft Maintenance Competence Considerations ?

The Part 147 organization is a service provider to the Part 145 Organization

To deliver Basic training to enable maintenance staff to obtain Part 66 licences and to deliver type training to enable the organization to train certifying staff to enable them to obtain Part 66 type ratings and to support the type rating process.

Part 147 organization is not part of the internal regulatory  training process, this in fact is managed by the organisations own quality system


Aircraft Maintenance, Aircraft Maintenance Competence Considerations, difference between Type Rating and Type Training, OJT, organisations compliance with EASA Part 145, Sofema Aviation Services, Type Rating and Type Training, type rating for B737 BI