January 03, 2014


Maintenance Human Factors concerns all the various issues which may have an impact on how people perform required tasks.

A scientific approach is applied to consider the behaviour of both the human mind and body to understand better both capabilities and limitations.

The rational behind the Sofema Aviation Services Human Factors Train the Trainer course is quite simple ā€“ It is based on the believe that the most appropriateĀ HF training is delivered within the workplace ā€“ means by the organization for the organization.

How to make a difference? How to address human factor error?

There is a deep understanding of the various causes of error after the event; the challenge is to understand before we have an incident or accident the risks and exposures which the organization faces. We need to effectively manage human factors within the organization, to do so we need to address the risks and exposures.

All threats need to be understood and mitigation put into place to address them.

Human factors include both social and personal skills, communication being considered a social skill and off course decision making a personal skill.

With more than 100 years of data, we have learned that relatively few accidents result purely from technical failures. In around 75-80 per cent of cases, deficiencies in human performance contributed directly to the outcome.

Aircraft engineers face on a daily basis, a unique range of challenges many related to Human Factors, any of which can lead to maintenance errors.

If we are able to study and take appropriate action in respect of the human factors issues, we will be able to better prepare to deal with human factors issues and behaviors in our daily routine.

When we identify human factors as a causal feature of an incident or accident, we generally are not referring to people but to the system. It is not unusual to find mistakes being made by highly qualified or even senior people within the organization. Ā So paying attention to the organisational process is highly relevant.

The Aircraft Maintenance Human Factor Train the trainer course focuses your trainer on an understanding regarding the organisational role in Human Factors.

For example by paying more attention to the underlying human factors of maintenance tasks, we can develop the positive aspects of human performance, in so doing to ā€œmanageā€ limitations that we accept are part of being human.

The next Sofema Aviation Services Human Factors Train the Trainer course is scheduled for Dubai 26th to 28th January 2014. The course is a highly participative and stimulates involvement and provides for powerful motivation. This course aims to introduce the delegate to training skills and to provide the confidence which can be developed to deliver effective Human Factors Training within your organizations.

For details please see www.sassofia.com or email office@sassofia.com


Human Factors Train the Trainer course, Maintenance Human Factors, Sofema Aviation Services