June 06, 2011


Sofema Aviation Services offers support for organisations seeking to obtain IOSA accreditation. If you are seeking support to develop your process and procedures SAS has the experience knowledge and competencies to support you. Please see our web site www.sassofia.com.

The IATA Operational Safety Audit (IOSA) program is an evaluation system designed to assess the operational management and control systems of an airline. IOSA’s quality audit principles are designed to conduct audits in a standardized manner.

To be a member of IATA requires that the member also attains and maintains accreditation under the IATA Operational Safety Audit program. A number of companies who are not members of IATA see the attainment of the IATA Operation Standard Audit as a statement that the organisation has achieved a standard, much as ISO 9000 indicates an organisation has achieved a standard in Quality Management

This provides a number of  advantage for the audited organisation in that it enables preparation in a structured and understood  way, in additional there is complete transparency in the process with the IATA Standards and Recommended Practices (ISARPs) published in the ISM and available on the IATA web site

If you are seeking accreditation there are 8 Audit Organisations available to perform the audit when you are ready. However it is not necessary to use any of these organisations during the preparation, which can of course reduce your preparation costs significantly.

How can Sofema Aviation Services help you to achieve IATA Operational Standard accreditation?

Currently there are more than 350 airlines who have attained the IOSA standard. If you would like to be considered in this group then we can help you across all disciplines at an affordable cost.

Qualified auditors with proven organisational and procedures experience are available to help you prepare for IOSA compliance. To be fully prepared not only reduces the time taken to reach full compliance but it is achieved at reduced cost. When you are ready we support you through the entire implementation process.

Our difference is in the competences of our people, they understand airline process and procedures, and have many years experience. The audit process delivered by IATA is deliberately standardized whilst the implementation process within your organisation is anything but standardized. It must be tailored to your operations specific needs an at the same time designed to not just comply  but to be effective.

If you would like to find out more regarding how we can help you to achieve this standard please contact office@sassofia.com

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IOSA, IATA, Operational Safety Audi, Audit Organisations