May 26, 2011


Why do we have MRO inefficiencies? At we have answers. Or to put it another way YOU have the answers and we will support you through the process of MRO Optimization.

The effectiveness of your MRO organisation translates to the bottom line without effective management of the costs and overheads the development and growth of the organisation is impeded MRO Optimisation develops multiple milestones and effective tools to manage the delivery.

Sofema Aviation Services are able to drive the MRO Optimisation to draw on a huge diversity of consultants to provide the support you need to develop the understanding of the challenges and solutions within the organisation

The factors which benefits from MRO Optimisation related to an organisations performance and capability are many and diverse Complex organisational factors come into play from unions to custom and practice to simple basic in efficiencies, often a simple lack vision across the business employing MRO Optimisation can make significant improvements across the business.

Workplace communication which is pivotal to effective organisations is one of the first areas to usually benefit from MRO Optimisation. The importance of leadership needs to be highlighted and the opportunity to use this leadership for motivation of the workshop. Often the organisation does not place enough focus on the development of business simply dealing with today and not paying too much attention to tomorrow. Gap Analysis can identify key improvement areas as part of the MRO Optimisation process

Many organisations particularly the ones which have been around for some time can have multiple management layers which can impede the effectiveness of the organisation. Staff initiatives are stifled and a lack of team work and encouragement is usually evident. Often there is a lack of interdepartmental or organisation procedures and Service Level Agreements

Issues include the management of Competency and the provision of training needed for all staff that have a production exposure are often given insufficient weight which has a negative effect . MRO Optimisation can make a significant difference across the business

Management of Change is always a challenge One of the hardest changes to be made concerns the optimisation of process and procedures within an organisation where this has a direct bearing on the terms and conditions of the employees. MRO Optimisation focuses on the efficient deployment of the available resources.

If you would like to discuss the ways in which Sofema Aviation Services can support you to develop your maintenance organisation please contact us at

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