May 03, 2012


This article explores the challenges associated with the implementation of an effective SMS system and the Need to Manage Culture, Training and Competencies within the organization to deliver the most effective and reliable results.

First to identify the need for Human Factors within the organization. Since the understanding of the role of Human Factors was identified more than 25 years ago as a major contributor to Aircraft accidents and incidents, much has changed in our aviation world.

Today some 80% of Accidents today have Direct Human Factors implications, whether it is related to the flight crew, maintenance crew or other people related causes.

Please consider the Human Factors training within your organization is it still relevant, Is it being continuously developed or at least reviewed for its effectiveness ?

The term culture is increasingly being used in connection with Safety Management Systems and organizational behaviours. What we should understand is that we need to actively develop and promote positive cultural within the organization which has a direct influence on the effectiveness of our Safety Management System.

The next consideration is to understanding the role of training in a different way. For example to consider that each and every employee within the organization may be at a different point in the personal understanding of their role together with their particular understanding of the organisations systems, processes, procedures and requirements.

Gathering Data

To be truly effective a proactive Safety Management System needs to have a myriad of internal processes to gather data which can be understood and used as a basis for risk analysis, this element is a key ingredient within the SMS system.

The Role of Training

Today training needs to be considered in the context of the organization culture, Is it being delivered in such a way that the Safety System may draw positive support.

The training has to fit into an environment where there is a culture of strong leadership and motivation by example.

We also have to recognize the particular challenges associated with the training of adults. If we achieve the right balance and develop trainings which re enforce the correct behaviours our organisations will benefit and our Safety Management System will be more robust.

The delegates need to feel that they are part of the solution and not simply being lectured to or even worse lectured at !

The most significant challenge is to take the students on a journey to discover why we see incorrect behaviour where the lack of following processes and procedures contributes to errors in he work place.

The Training ultimately is designed not just to modify the behaviour of the employees but also over time the management need to have a pragmatic approach to achive the results we are looking to achieve.

Our goals

a)      Increased awareness throughout the business of the role and importance of the safety management system.

b)      Assertive behaviour which challenges any of the organization norms which are seen as a threat.

c)      A real and genuine safety culture which has positive messages at all levels throughout the organization.

d)      Ensure an understanding of the correct behaviours for all employees including those who are new.

e)      The human challenges we face on a daily basis and the need to mitigate for example by effective communication

f)        To foster the desire to report and make a difference.

How to Manage Competence ?

There are a number of questions we have to ask ourselves.

What is competence in an SMS ?

Who is responsible ?

How do they discharge this responsibility ?

To answer we have to have a clear understanding of the SMS roles within the organization. Once this is clear we can assess each person against the respective role and to make appropriate recommendations I required.

In fact the responsible person is the Post Holder although they may not actually be managing the competencies. www.

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