January 03, 2012


In a word relevance ! Human Factors training which is organisation specific is times better than HF training which is generic.

Do you have your own HF training or do you out sources in the believe that you are providing the best solution.

Sofema Aviaiton Services offers solutions to support development of  in company trainings including the provision of a licence to allow the the continued in company use of specific training materials which are provided as a powerpoint either 1 day or two day.

Purchase of a 2 day licence includes also the 1 day content.

Lets consider the options.

Developing an in company solution to your Human Factor Training needs brings a flexibility which is not available for external courses.

If you have your own HF trainer you are well placed to integrate the organisations SMS Safety Management System as well as to gather an input from the Quality System. Bringing a relevance to the training ads value as the delegate has an opportunity to fully identify with the training.

If you elect to engage an external training organisation you will receive a valuable lesson in understanding Human Factors, but often the end of course feedback indicates that the student is looking for more specif relevance to his or her position within the organisation.

If you currently have or are considering engaging your own Human Factor trainer now is the chance to refresh his or her skills,  SAS Sofema Aviation Services offers a 2 day intense training Human Factors Training for Trainers HFTTT for in company organisations to maintain the currency or to continue the development of your nominated trainer

Understanding the primary causes of Human error and how they interact with each other is a an important lesson to communicate to the entire work force.

In fact understanding the Human issues and each individuals own personal responsibilities within the work place  is of critical importance to the value to be derived from the training.

The Human Factors Train the Trainer HFTTT course is specifically aimed at improving the competence of  HF Trainers.

Human Factors Training has been mandatory since 2006 for all EASA Part 145 Organizations. It is generally accepted that the most effective HF training, is training which is takes into full account specific organizational issues, and has a direct connection with the Quality and Safety System of the organization.

For more information please visit www.sassofia.com or email office@sassofia.com