
EASA Part CAMO Safety & Human Factor Training – Considering Communications – Shift – Task Handover

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May 22, 2020


Sofema Aviation Services considers HF exposures related to Manpower – Shift/Task Handover Introduction Shift work is used extensively in commercial air transport maintenance operations. Often maintenance technicians or engineers are working shifts or duty periods that conflict with their natural circadian rhythm, or risk fatigue from multiple shifts. Incomplete Work Handover Without effective shift change…

Brief Introduction to EASA Regulatory Changes – What has happened on 24 March 2020

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May 11, 2020


1/ Part M is split into 2 Part ML & Part M A long time coming Part M one size fits all was not working in the best way so EASA took the initiative and created Part M Light – EASA Part ML (Annex Vb). Part ML is a stripped down version of Part M…

Aviation Compliance Monitoring in an EASA Part CAMO Organisation

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Aviation Compliance Monitoring

April 30, 2020


Sofema Aviation Services considers the obligations & requirements related to Aviation Compliance Monitoring within an EASA Part CAMO Environment. CAMO.A.200 Management System Requires: A function to monitor compliance of the organisation with the relevant requirements. Aviation compliance monitoring shall include a feedback system of findings to the accountable manager to ensure the effective implementation of…

Considerations Related to EASA Part CAMO – CAME

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April 29, 2020


Sofema Aviation Services considers the requirements related to the introduction of Part-CAMO Compliant CAME (CAMO.A.300 Continuing Airworthiness Management Exposition (CAME)) Introduction The purpose of the CAME is to: Specify the scope of work and shows how the organisation intends to comply with this Annex; and Provides all the necessary information and procedures for the personnel…