
General Comments Related to the Effective Delivery of EASA – GCAA Compliant Base Maintenance Quality Assurance Audits

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August 26, 2019


Sofema Aviation Services ( Reviews Base Maintenance Audit Basics Consider the following as checkpoints to take note or develop during the audit of Base Maintenance essentially as an opportunity to validate the effectiveness of the Base Maintenance System – remember the goal of the auditor is to confirm conformity not to find problems. a) During…

ETOPS – EDTO Configuration, Maintenance and Procedures Document

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August 22, 2019


Considering the Role & Purpose of the Configuration Maintenance and Procedures Document (CMP) Introduction by About the CMP The CMP document is approved by the Primary Certifying Authority and contains the particular aeroplane configuration minimum requirements, including any special inspection, hardware life limits, master minimum equipment list (MMEL) constraints and maintenance practices found necessary…

Considering the Role, Purpose & Value of Sofema Aviation Services and SofemaOnline Production Planning Classroom & Online Training Courses

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Production Planning

August 20, 2019


Steve Bentley CEO of Sofema lifts the lid on how to understand the options to drive improvements in your organisation’s production process. Introduction From time to time we are asked questions regarding the content of our training program like: 1) How to make a work package? 2) How to do Aircraft Scheduling? 3) Man Hour…

Auditing the Auditors – How to Audit an EASA-GCAA Quality Assurance System

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Auditing the Auditors

August 19, 2019


Presented by Steven Bentley CEO of Sofema Aviation Services Steve commenced his auditing activities in 1989, more than 30 years ago, and shares his learning experiences related to effective auditing. Introduction This paper is intended to make you a better auditor – to understand how to determine in the most effective way the system…