February 25, 2013


 Sofema Aviation Services announce the launch of Fatigue Risk Management System Training. An effective Fatigue Risk Management System (FRMS) can make a significant difference to the workplace exposure to both Human Factor (HF) and Safety Management System (SMS) issues.

Issues which determine the effectiveness of your FRMS include the commitment of the high level organizational management to manage fatigue-related risk include the training in FRMS, which should be provided to the key stakeholders and process owners, and the effectiveness of the working procedures are key elements of a strong system.

 The training of Managers on how to manage FRMS in the workplace is critical to developing a shared understanding of the importance to receive adequate rest and sleep.

 The implementation of Fatigue reduction strategies including possibly the change to shift and working patterns, in addition an effective reporting system to address the need to be able to freely report potential FRMS risk and exposure issues  to the management.

The standard incident investigation process should include fatigue-related questions. It is also necessary to consider Sleep disorder as an issues which requires workplace resolution.

 Sofema will be offering a 1 day FRMS overview training and 2 Days FRMS implementation trainings. For more information please email office@sassofia.com

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