May 09, 2011


The need for Electrical Wiring Interconnect System EWIS training was not only identified but substantially raised in profile following two very dramatic and significant aviation accidents.
Since 2010 Sofema Aviation Services has started to deliver EWIS training both as open training courses and in company training courses.
The first accident affecting flight TWA 800 which exploded and broke up in mid air in the sea next to long island New York in 1996. The second affecting flight Swiss Air 111 in 1998.
The following paragraph was released by the FAA’s on November 8, 2007 and concerns aspects of EWIS on aircraft as to the reason for the increased concerns regarding electrical wiring systems in general.
“Safety concerns about wiring systems in aircraft were brought to the forefront of public attention by a midair explosion in 1996 involving a 747 airplane. Ignition of flammable vapors in the fuel tank was the probable cause of that fatal accident, and the most likely source was a wiring failure that allowed a spark to enter the fuel tank. All 230 people aboard the airplane were killed. Two years later, an MD–11 airplane crashed into the Atlantic Ocean, killing all 229 people aboard. Although an exact cause could not be determined, the presence of re-solidified copper on a portion of a wire of the in-flight entertainment system cable indicated that wire arcing had occurred in the area where the fire most likely originated.
Before these accidents wiring was not considered such a major issues and little emphasis was placed on the need to deliver appropriate training for Electrical Wiring Interconnect System EWIS.
In the aftermath of TWA 800 Several rule making committees were formed under the guidance of the FAA ,specifically the Ageing Transport Systems Rulemaking Advisory Committee (ATSRAC) was brought together with the support of external regulatory bodies to examine the current state of aging aircraft systems.
One of the main areas where special attention was focused was electrical wiring, its installation and the associated in service inspection and maintenance.
The Swiss accident some 2 years after TWA 800 only served to highlight the importance of delivering appropriate and effective Electrical Wiring Interconnect System EWIS Training and effective inspection procedures.
The FAA position on Electrical Wiring Interconnect System EWIS Training was modified dramatically by the findings.
In Europe, EASA has issued 3 documents AMC 20-21 Programme to enhance aeroplane Electrical Wiring Interconnection System (EWIS) maintenance AMC 20-22 (AMC = acceptable means of compliance)
Aeroplane Electrical Wiring Interconnection System Training Programme AND AMC 20-23 Development of Electrical Standard Wiring Practices documentation.
 Sofema Aviation Services is pleased to discuss your EWIS training needs and advises that we train effective Electrical Wiring Interconnect System EWIS Training and effective inspection procedures delivered to the highest professional standards. Please contact if you are interested in this training.