February 04, 2013


Sofema Aviation Services is pleased to announce the continued expansion of our Training Service. Jan 2013 has see trainings delivered in Singapore, Moscow and Tblisi
During February we are delivering trainings in Dubai and Moldova with additional incompany trainings for Emirates and Volga Denepr Gulf.
We have an expanding pool of qualified instructors and we are pleased to announce that Richard Wilson "Dick" has joined us as Chief Instructor and Head of Training  with more than 50 Years experience in commercial aviation Richard,has a wealth of experience in commercial aviation.
SAS now has a group of qualified instructors based in Kuala Lumpur to serve our Far East clients and shall be visiting Mumbai in April to set up our Indian training service.
During 2012 we were pleased to provide regulatory training for more than 725 Delegates.
At Sofema Aviation Services we are able to develop cost effective trainings to support the customer needs, so if you have a specific training in mind please email office@sassofia.com.
For a list of the current trainings please visit the following site http://www.sassofia.com/aviation-training-courses
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