May 09, 2011


An ICAO compliant (as opposed to the current EASA required) Safety Management System provides a mechanism to proactively seek, identify, quantify and mitigate risks and potential hazards which exist in the business. Moreover it provides for a mechanism to deliver a safer working process and environment in every facet of your day to day business. At Sofema Aviation Services we support you to Implement efficient and effective SMS compliant processes, enabling a reduction in costs. Our solutions are individual and tailored to your needs.


Implementing an ICAO Compliant Safety Management System, will let you deal not just with incident and accidents "events" but will let you develop processes to analyse and mitigate risks.

The outcome is a safer and potentially more efficient process.

Sofema Aviation Services is a solid and reliable provider of services to the Eastern European Aviation Community. We are able to support you to understand and implement an effective SMS system in your work place. We understand the issues which challenge your business and with our experience we can help you to mitigate, and determine appropriate solutions.  


We understand the difference between quality and safety auditing, also the importance of bringing together Quality Safety and Human Factors in the work place. We can support you to develop real and effective solutions which deliver the appropriate solution in your organisation.


We all talk about the need for Safety, but often fail to take full account of the benefits of an effective proactive SMS as the means not just to deliver this safety but to introduce a systematic approach to identify hazards within your organisation.


We deliver SMS training for all elements of your business from a need to know overview for Accountable Managers and Post holders, through detailed and specific training for Safety and Quality Managers. To work place understanding of the human issues associated with the implementation and on going effectiveness of an effective SMS system.


Our courses are delivered to the highest standard and routinely attended by members of the Regulatory Authority, our courses are delivered either in company or as open trainings and workshops.


The main objectives of our SMS training is to promote the understanding of  the management process of implementation of the Key SMS elements, to develop organisational (not individual) processes and  risk mitigation strategies. In addition to develop appropriate and effective documentation. Finally to deliver effective and targeted in company training processes.


The success of SMS training is fully dependent on the willingness of your organisation to reach out and embrace new working methods and change processes, to develop positive changes in organisational and individual culture. If you can do this, improvements in organisational efficiency will usually lead to significant cost savings.


Click Here for Safety System Jobs. Please contact for further information or to receive information on course availability and attendance fees.

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