January 03, 2012


Sofema Aviation Services the Sofia Based Aviation Consultancy and Regulatory Training Organisation has been awarded a contract to provide Safety Management System Training SMS training to Air Bagan a leading

Far East Airline based in Myanmar.


Air Bagan has selected the following Training courses to complement their SMS implementation initiative. In total SAS will be providing 8 Days Safety Management System Training across all areas of the business to include an implementation workshop and Risk Assessment Workshop.


The following trainings have been selected


– 1 Day SMS introduction for Accountable Managers and Executives,

– 2 Day SMS Introduction for SMS Managers and Quality Managers,

– 1 Day SMS for Maintenance Staff,

– 1 Day SMS for Operations Staff,

– 2 Day SMS Implementation Workshop,

– 1 Day Risk Assessment Workshop,


Commented Steven Bentley Managing Director of Sofema Aviation Services. We are very please with the opportunity to deliver SMS training to a leading Far East Airline. Air Bagan has demonstrated it is focused on the importance of effective Safety Management Systems and is intent on making both cabin and ground services, customer oriented. They have pledged to provide safe, affordable, reliable, courteous and efficient air transportation service on every flight they operate. The motto of Air Bagan is "Safe Flight. Better Services".


If you would like details of any of the SMS training courses offered by SAS please visit www.sassofia.com or email office@sassofia.com

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