SAS is pleased to announce that we have scheduled training in Shanghai Monday 16 March to Friday 27th March 2015.
Courses will cover Safety Management Systems, Optimizing Production Planning Processes, Quality Assurance Auditing Techniques, Human Factors Training for Trainers, Aviation Maintenance Error Management Systems and Stores and Logistics Management.
Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) delivers training to the highest standards delivering training to both industry and regulators. During 2013 SAS delivered regulatory and vocational training to more than 1500 delegates.
Many of our delegates have come from Leading airlines /operators in Dubai for example/:
In addition European Regulatory Authorities pay SAS to train their Staffs (in the following case it was the Bulgarian CAA, and previously it was for the Lithuanian CAA):
Final arrangements are still being discussed and support from local parties interested in supporting our regulatory training initiative should email an expression of interest to
MEMS, Regulatory training, Aviation Safety, aviation services, Shanghai