March 18, 2013


It is an industry specific three-day program specifically designed for those who need to manage, or deliver Human Factors Training.


Why Human Factors Training for Trainers ?


Because the best Human Factors Training that can be delivered in the work place is Directly connected to the organisations specific needs, and is related to both the Quality and Safety system. Understanding and presenting the organisations issues in the best way

to raise the understanding of correct behaviours and attitudes.


Sofema Aviation Services has been presenting Human Factors Train the Trainer courses several times each year for the last 4 years.


This course has proven to be of very significant benefit to potential as well as current  Human Factors trainers who need to have the necessary competence to deliver own company effective Human Factor Training.


The training examines the many areas where we can improve the quality of the training we deliver, how to interact with an adult audience and how to improve the effectiveness of the training.


Others who will benefit from attending Human Factors Train the Trainer  include Quality Audit Staff,  Department Managers and other Training staff with an interest in delivering specific training.


 The course consistently receives wide acclaim and strong and positive feed back.


The course is a highly participative and stimulates involvement and provides for powerful motivation.


The Sofema Aviation Services Train the Trainer course is specifically focused on the need, not only to introduce the delegate to training skills but to additionally provide the confidence which can be developed to deliver effective Human Factors Training within your organizations.

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