Generic Procedures for Managing and Auditing Aviation Software

Sofema Aviation Services is pleased to offer the following procedures are as a guideline only, To use as a basis on which to focus the need for the development of associated process and procedures for Managing and Auditing Aviation Software. Auditing Aviation Software consists of a means of monitoring the software development and other processes which…

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Safety Management System Organisation Training and Implementation Workshops offered throughout 2012

European Aviation is moving towards compliance with ICAO Annex 6 in relation with compliance of the safety management system provisions.   Sofema Aviation Services  – SAS are pleased to offer the following specialized trainings to support your ongoing training and SMS implementation requirements.   1 Day SMS Training for Accountable Managers and Post Holders 1 Day SMS…

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Introduction to Safety Management Systems and what it means for “US” as employees and managers of an Airline or Maintenance Organisation

Historically organisations have relied on a single person to manage safety although the phrase is perhaps misleading, in reality organisations had a person who is essentially responsible for following up in the event of a report being issued. What we are now being presented with is a new way of doing business.

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