EASA Management of EWIS and Competency

EASA Special update  Annex to Decision 2011/011/R EASA have released the following document with specific guidelines concerning requirements in the area of competency and EWIS training. Specific guidance is now available in the understanding of the 145 organisations responsibilities in this area.

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In company Human Factors Training

Many companies recognize the advantage of delivering their own in company human factors training. Sofema Aviation Services has developed a 2 day program which shares best practice to enable your In company human factors training – trainer  to deliver your own HF training in the work place. Human Factors Training has been mandatory since 2006…

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Sofema Aviation Services Survey

Sofema Aviation Services is conducting a survey to discover the Aviation industry viewpoint of Online Training. With the continuing rise in the understanding of the need of managing corporate competence, many organisation are looking at cost effective solutions to deliver training within the workplace. Some in industry hold the view that effective training works better…

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