Sofema Aviation Services Delivers Safety Management System Risk Assessment, EASA Part 66 and EASA Part 145 Training for Jat Tehnika

During October 2013 Steven Bentley MD of Sofema Aviation Services had the pleasure of delivering 5 days Intensive Training covering several subjects to Jat Tehnika.   Jat Tehnika, newly formed MRO, was born on 1st January 2006 as a part of transition process in Serbia, separated from mother company Jat Airways.  With over 80 years…

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Sofema Aviation Services Delivers Part Operations & Safety Management System Implementation Training for Blue Air Romania

   During October 2013 Steven Bentley MD of Sofema Aviation Services had the pleasure of delivering 4 days Intensive Training covering Part Ops and SMS Implementation to Blue Air and guests.   Blue Air was launched on December 13th, 2004 as the first Romanian airline company, with 100% private equity. The company was founded with the…

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EASA Regulatory Training Confusion

Why do some Organisations and Indeed some Regulators incorrectly believe that EASA issues approvals to organisations to deliver Regulatory Training? After 5 years of delivering EASA compliant regulatory training, we at Sofema Aviation Services are still being asked to supply (in support of our organizational capability to deliver regulatory training) evidence of either EASA…

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Sofema Aviation Services Completes Part Ops Training for Bulgarian Operator Air Lazur

October 10th and 11th 2013 saw SAS deliver in company training for Part OPS.   The course objectives included familiarization with current AOC holders and other Operational and Concerned Personnel with a detailed understanding of EASA Part OPS Management Structure Particularly in respect of Compliance Monitoring & Safety Management Systems (SMS) with emphasis on AMC & GM…

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