
Aviation Weekly News Roundup – 31 Мay 2024

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Aviation-Weekly-News Roundup

May 31, 2024


Sofema Aviation Services shares the latest events in the Aviation business from around the world in our Aviation Weekly News Roundup: > Pilots failed to notice autothrottle had not engaged on TUI 737 According to a special bulletin from the Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB) both pilots of a TUI Boeing 737-800 failed to notice that…

Aircraft Certification – Introduction to Hazard Analysis

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Hazard Analysis

January 02, 2024


Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) considers the fundamental elements of the Hazard Analysis Process Introduction – What is the role of the Hazard Analysis? Hazard analyses are performed to identify and define hazardous conditions/risks for the purpose of their elimination or control. Analyses examine the system, subsystems, components, and interrelationships. Steps in performing a Hazard Analysis: Describe…

EASA Maintenance Check Flight Requirements driven by Post Accident & Event Recommendations

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Maintenance Check Flight

April 25, 2023


Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) reviews key trigger events which have influenced the introduction of modifications to the requirements of Maintenance Check Flights. Introduction Following a number of recommendations, the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has implemented new requirements for maintenance check flights. EASA has recognized the importance of these flights and has taken steps to improve…

The Goals and Objective of Aircraft Incident Investigations

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October 30, 2017


Introduction by Steve Bentley MD Sofema Aviation Services During 45 plus years of commercial aviation experience I have seen a number of industry incidents and accidents and one of the aspects that makes me proud to be part of the industry is the proactive willingness to engage fully in the aftermath of an event….