Accountable Manager

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) delivers EASA Regulatory Training for Wizz Air

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September 12, 2015


Wednesday 9th of September & Thursday 10th of September saw Steven Bentley delivering EASA Compliant Part 145 Overview and Recurrent training together with Accountable Manager & Maintenance Post Holder Training for Wizz Air Personnel. The training was carried out at the Wizz administrative office located at Budapest airport terminal 1 area. Wizz Airlines is a new energetic and vibrant company  – The…

Considering Aviation SMS Residual Risk Management

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August 18, 2014


When we talk about residual risk we are actually talking about the degree of exposure after we have implemented the agreed mitigation. In essence we are accepting that even after the mitigation has been applied there is still the possibility of sufficient risk to pose a degree of threat. You may see a formula to…

Introduction to Aviation Quality And Safety Roles and Responsibilities

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August 15, 2014


Consider the following role definitions and responsibilities: Firstly that the Accountable Manager is responsible for both the Quality and Safety Systems, the Quality System includes both elements of Quality Control and Quality Assurance, however these days we are starting to talk more about Quality Compliance (effectively Compliance and Assurance are the same). Secondly that The…

Do Organisational Quality Systems understand their role and responsibilities?

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May 16, 2014


Just as important do Organisational Quality systems understand the role of 147 training organisations. The is some concern in certain quarters regarding a shortfall in competence amongst senior aviation personal particularly persons who are nominated as post holders. Lets clear the air! 1/ The Accountable Manager is not required to be an expert. True –…