Air Navigation

Building an Audit Schedule for EASA Compliant Air Navigation Services I.A.W. Regulation (EU) 2017/373

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Building an Audit Schedule for EASA Compliant Air Navigation Services I.A.W. Regulation (EU) 2017/373

March 20, 2024

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) considers the role and purpose of a typical audit schedule for EASA Compliant Air Navigation Services. Introduction Developing an annual audit plan and schedule for an EASA-compliant organization requires a structured approach. Here we consider the development of an Audit Plan including Objectives, Criteria, Capacity Planning and Delivery. Creating The Audit…

Auditing EASA Risk Based Oversight of Air Navigation and Air Traffic Management

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Auditing EASA Risk Based Oversight of Air Navigation and Air Traffic Management

February 26, 2024

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) considers the fundamentals of Risk Based Oversight related to Air Navigation and Air Traffic Management Introduction Risk-Based Oversight (RBO) is a dynamic approach to the safety oversight of the aviation industry, driven by the combination of the risk profile and safety performance of an organization. It focuses on ensuring compliance while also…

Introduction to Air Traffic Management and Air Navigation ATM – ANS Annexes

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Air Traffic Management and Air Navigation ATM – ANS Annexes

December 11, 2023

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) – reviews Air Traffic Management and Air Navigation ATM-ANS Annexes and considers their high-level role. ATM – ANS Annexes ANNEX I — DEFINITIONS ATM – ANS Annexes ANNEX II — PART-ATM/ANS.AR REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPETENT AUTHORITIES — OVERSIGHT OF SERVICES AND OTHER ATM NETWORK FUNCTIONS Part-ATM/ANS.AR is a crucial component of the regulatory framework governing Air…

Introduction to The Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention) 1944 & The History and Role of ICAO Organization & Functions

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International=Civil= Aviation =ICAO

September 14, 2023

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) looks at the practical functioning of  International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention) ICAO Introduction The primary objective of International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention)ICAO is to ensure the safe and efficient operation of international civil aviation. It achieves this by setting standards and regulations for various aspects of aviation, including flight safety, air…