
Flight Crew Best Practice Related to Aircraft Ground De-Ice / Anti-Ice Operations

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Anti-Ice Operations

November 11, 2021


Presented by Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) The following notes are focused primarily on Flight Crew Interface & Activities related to Aircraft Ground De-Ice / Anti-Ice Operations. General Concerns / Observations – If there are any concerns as to whether the aircraft has frozen contamination, you should request de-icing. Never assume that snow will blow…

Introduction to the Role of an Aviation Maintenance Control Centre (MCC)

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October 06, 2021


Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) considers the primary activities which are performed within an Aviation MCC. Introduction The Maintenance Control Centre (MCC) is typically an extension of the Operators Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation (CAMO). Aircraft out of service for whatever reason can financially burden an organisation. A business process which is able to manage and support…

De-icing / Anti-icing Checks Contamination & Residue Considerations

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De-icing / Anti-icing

October 06, 2021


Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) considers the potential for Contamination following De-icing / Anti-icing activities. Introduction There is a known potential for Type II, III or IV de-icing/anti-icing fluids to accumulate and dry out particularly on critical areas of an aeroplane (including flying control mechanisms – bell cranks etc ) which are not exposed to…

CS 26 Introduction & Purpose

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CS 26 Introduction & Purpose

October 04, 2021


CS 26 Introduction & Purpose – Review by Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) Introduction – The Operator is Responsible for Compliance Reference – GM2 26.1 Demonstration of Compliance – ED Decision 2019/006/R Part 26 is based on JAR 26 The initial issue of Part-26 reflects existing JAR-26 requirements. The operators will be responsible for showing compliance….