
Airworthiness Directives

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November 19, 2012


An airworthiness directive (AD) is a notification to Type Certificate Holders (TCH), Supplemental Type Certificate Holders (STCH) owners and operators of certified Aircraft, Engines or Components. That a known safety related deficiency in respect of an aircraft, engine, or component has been found which must be corrected. Such correction may be based on compliance with…

EASA Continuing Airworthiness Related to Aircraft Structures

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August 07, 2012


Continuing airworthiness concerns for aging jet transports has received much attention over the last 15 years. Boeing and other TCH’s developed Supplemental structural inspection programs. In the late1970’s and early 1980’s intended to address fatigue problems. And much focus was placed on fail safe structural designs. The aloha incident became a milestone in respect of…