Sofema Aviation Services Launches New Training concerning Continuing Structural Integrity Program

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Continuing Structural

January 20, 2021

Steven Bentley

EASA Compliant Structural Integrity Awareness Based on Compliance with AMC 20-20 1 Day Course Delivered as Classroom or Webinar Build Competence with Part CAMO Transitional Staff Part CAMO compliant related to CAMO training Objectives – Structural Integrity AMC 20-20 Continuing Structural Integrity Programme – 1 Day AMC4 CAMO.A.305(g) Personnel Requirements ED Decision 2020/002/R Introduction –…

Considering Continuing Airworthiness Tasks & Aircraft Maintenance Program (AMP) in an EASA Part-ML Environment

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Airworthiness Tasks

April 15, 2020

Steven Bentley

Presented by Sofema Aviation Services ( Continuing Airworthiness Tasks The aircraft continuing airworthiness and the serviceability of operational and emergency equipment shall be ensured by: (a) the accomplishment of pre-flight inspections; (b) the rectification of any defect and damage affecting safe operation in accordance with data specified in points ML.A.304 and ML.A.401, as applicable, while…

MPD – AMP & Customisation

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May 20, 2019

Steven Bentley

 Maintenance Planning Document (MPD) Considerations The Maintenance Planning Document (MPD) is a generic document issued by the Type Certificate Holder (TCH). The contents of the MPD are coordinated by the Industry Steering Committee (ISC) and Maintenance Review Board (MRB) using the (Maintenance Steering Group 3 Logic) MSG 3 process of analysis and task determination) The…

Introduction to the Assessment process for Ensuring Effectiveness of an EASA Compliant Aircraft Maintenance Program

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April 02, 2018

Steven Bentley

 General Introduction When dealing with the complex technical systems involved in air transport, the consequences of unreliable services become critical and may include – A high cost of operation, A loss of productivity, Incidents, and potential exposure to accidents. Aircraft Maintenance activity has come a long way since the early days of commercial aviation when…