Aviation competence training

Aviation Weekly News Roundup – 20 October 2023

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Aviation-Weekly-News Roundup

October 20, 2023

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services shares the latest events in the Aviation business from around the world in our Aviation Weekly News Roundup: > Window Seats Take On A New Desirability There may soon be more advantages to choosing a window seat than just the view. United Airlines has instituted a new boarding process that allows window-seat…

The Imperative of Competence Training in Aviation Logistics and Inspection

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Aviation Logistics and Inspection

October 13, 2023

Steven Bentley

The recent revelations about fraudulent parts and documentation underscore the critical importance of competence and rigorous training in Aviation Logistics and Inspection. The responsibility for detecting unapproved and bogus aircraft parts lies on Maintenance companies and Airlines that repair airplanes. Therefore, in order to meet the growing challenges and increasing complexities, investing in comprehensive training…