aviation human factors

Human Factors in Aviation – Considers Physical Environment – Climate and Temperature

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Human Factors

July 22, 2019


Sofemaonline.com offers online training including EASA Part 66 Module 9 Human Factors compliant training for third country workshop personnel. Introduction Aircraft Maintenance Engineers are often exposed to a wide range of climates and temperatures from the excesses of summer heat to the extremes of the winter cold. From Dry Heat to Hi Humidity environments (Under…

Human Factors in Aviation – Considers Physical Working Environment

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July 22, 2019


Sofemaonline.com offers online training including EASA Part 66 Module 9 Human Factors compliant training for third country workshop personnel. Introduction Whilst a Definition of Aviation Human Factors covers a wide range of issues including perceptual, physical and mental capabilities, major account should be taken regarding the interaction and effects on individuals of their job and…

Human Factors in Aviation Considers Physical Environment – Noise and Fumes

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July 16, 2019


Sofemaonline.com offers online training including EASA Part 66 Module 9 Human Factors compliant training for third country workshop personnel. Noise Considerations Working on Aircraft can incur significant exposure to Noise – It is not unusual for this to exceed 85 dB – 90 dB Sounds of less than 75 decibels, even after long exposure, are…

The Need to Take Aviation Human Factors into Account

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Human Factors

April 11, 2019


As the technical complexity of aircraft has developed over the last 100 years the nature of interaction with people associated with the maintenance of aircraft began to matter more & more and in fact today human factors is relevant in just about every aspect and element of the maintenance system. The use of the term…