Aviation regulatory courses

The Challenge of creating integrated courses for EASA Regulatory Training: Why less is more for effective learning

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The Challenge of Creating Effective EASA Regulatory Training

October 03, 2024

Steven Bentley

Insight from Steven Bentley, CEO of Sofema Group: Tackling the challenges of developing integrated EASA Regulatory Training Courses Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) has made the decision to no longer offer extensive regulatory course merging based on our actual experiences that have highlighted the drawbacks of such an approach. (Including Instructor Overload and Delegate Dissatisfaction. We…

Welcome to AMETEK MRO, Jet Flight Service and Euro-Asia Air to our Privileged Training Partner Program

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Training Partner Program

May 30, 2023

Steven Bentley

Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) is delighted to welcome the following new members to our Privileged Training Partner Program (PTP): AMETEK MRO Jet Flight Service Euro-Asia Air They joined more than 100 aviation companies worldwide who have chosen to partner with us for their staff training needs, benefitting from our wide range of regulatory and vocational…

Online Aviation Regulatory Training with Sofema Online Virtual Training Academy

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Online Aviation Regulatory Training

May 04, 2023

Steven Bentley

What Is Sofema Online (SOL) Virtual Training Academy? Sofema Online recognises the importance of upskilling and reskilling to stay relevant in an ever-changing job market. Our training provides individuals with the opportunity to acquire new skills and knowledge without having to leave their jobs or homes, which is particularly important during a period of economic…