Aviation SMS

Available Now: New Online Training Package for CAMO Safety Managers – Begin learning today!

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CAMO Safety

September 12, 2022


We are pleased to share that Sofema Online has launched a new training package which meets the specific needs of the CAMO Safety Manager: CAMO Safety Manager Special Package – Initial consisting of 5 online courses for the special price of 285 EUR (435 EUR) Start learning online About the training package: This package is…

EASA Part 145 Safety Management System Investigation Training

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Safety Management System Investigation

September 02, 2022


EASA Part 145 Safety Management System Investigation Training – Introduction by Sofema Aviation Services (SAS) www.sassofia.com Safety Investigation Training mandated as Part of the Introduction to EASA Part 145 Safety Management Key Processes ( Reference AMC1 145.A.200(a)(3) Management system) item c) Internal investigation:  (1) In line with its just culture policy, the organisation should define…

The Safety Management Systems for Flight Operations Safety Managers Diploma now includes 1 new course – Enroll today!

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Flight Operations Safety

August 29, 2022


Our sister company Sofema Online has extended the Safety Management Systems for Flight Operations Safety Managers Diploma with the following New course: EASA 1178/2011 Part – FCL – Foundation & Froze the price of 400 EUR until 31 October 2022 Enroll today About the New Course: EASA 1178/2011 Part – FCL – Foundation Duration: Equivalent to…

Implementation of Safety Management System within an EASA Part 145 Organisation

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Safety Management Systems (SMS)

August 23, 2022


Sofema Online reviews the deadlines for compliance with the requirements for the Implementation of Safety Management System within an EASA Part 145 Organisation. When do I need to Implement SMS within my Part 145 Organisation? What are the SMS Deadlines Regarding EASA Part 145 Approval? Implementation of Safety Management Systems (SMS) in Part 145 Maintenance…