How can I become an EASA Airworthiness Review Staff and support or issue Airworthiness Approval Certificates

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June 01, 2016


Airworthiness Review Staff are authorised by the Continuing Airworthiness Management Organisation (CAMO) and accepted by the Regulatory Authority or Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) to perform Airworthiness Reviews on aircraft which are listed on the CAMO approval certificate or the Air Operators Certificate (AOC) To be approved to carry out airworthiness reviews and if applicable, to…

Sofema Aviation Services Delivers Quality Assurance Audit Training For Moldavian CAA

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October 12, 2015


9 & 10 October saw SAS deliver Quality Audit Training to a dozen members of the Moldavian CAA ops team. The course reviewed the fundamentals of the EASA approach to Quality and Safety and considered the differences and responsibilities involved with managing Quality Control Quality Assurance and Safety Assurance, analysis of root cause and development…

Sofema Aviation Services Completes a 2 Days EASA OPS Regulation 2012 / 965 for Bulgarian CAA

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June 05, 2014


Sofema Aviation Services is very pleased to continue its relationship with the Bulgarian CAA by providing support for EASA OPS Regulation 965. The training covers the essential elements associated with the requirements of Regulation 965/2012 which has a significant impact affecting all European Operators. EASA OPS Regulation 965 training was delivered at BG CAA facilities…

Why do we need a State Safety Program?

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Why do we need a State Safety Program?

February 11, 2013


The State Safety Program derives from the States obligations to comply with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Standard and Recommended Practices (SARP’s). The following Annex’s to the Convention was signed by 52 states on 7 December 1944 and came into effect on 4 April 1947. Annex 1 Personnel Licensing Annex 6  Operation of Aircraft Annex…